New mozilla firebird/thunderbird packages for QNX

Submitted by newsagent on

Adrian Mardare posted that an update to mozilla 1.5 had been added to the QNX 3rd party online repository. Packages for the Firebird browser 0.7 and the Thunderbird mail 0.4 have also been added. Mozilla now includes a spellchecker for MailNews and Composer.

Some changes, specific to the qnx/photon platform:
- the controls in the forms are drawn correctly now ( they used to have heavy ( 3 pixels ) borders )
- the alpha channel is somewhat working. There are problems when the alpha maps do not fit into the draw buffer ( large images ). This will be fortunatelly addressed in photon 6.3 that allows placing them in shared memory.
- the themes should now work correctly ( with the above amendment ).
- the sound files indicated in the preferences should now be played/previewed correctly.
- when installing these packages in top of mozilla 0.9.8 or 1.0, they should install ok.