QNX on VMware

Submitted by newsagent on

QNX on VMware project just released some tools containing executables (QNX4 and QNX6) and source for two programs. The first, called vmtool, is a command line utility which allows you to query VMware for all the known api. This api, by the way, was discovered and documented here: http://chitchat.at.infoseek.co.jp/vmware/index.html
The second app runs in the background, as root, will syncronize your clock, as well as copy clipboards back and forth between the host and Photon. Unfortunately it has to work by polling, so it is on a slow poll cycle (3 seconds), so if you are really quick, you can try to paste before the application has noticed. You are certainly welcome to speed up the poll, at the tradeoff of taking up more cpu cycles.

Any feedback and/or improvements suggestions can be posted here in the forums or at the project web site. Thanks rick for the great work!