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Create packages for use with the QNX software installer


packager [-aBcdDeEgikLoprtTuwy] [-b + | number]
         [-j number] [-m manifest [-x]]
         [-h qpp_file [-l patch][-R]] [-s sortdir]
         [-v[0|1|2|3]] [-z package] [-f finaldir]
         [basedir | qpg_file]


Keep the manifests after the QPR files are created.
Browse the content topics only.
-b[+ | number]
Autoincrement the build number or set it to a given number.
Combine target processors into host-based QPR files.
Disable the creation of dev component packages.
Don't strip files during compression.
Encrypt the packages with a license key.
Explicitly list all of the files that will be packaged.
-f finaldir
Place all the generated QPK (QNX Package), QPM (QNX Package Manifest), and QPR (QNX Package Repository) files in the finaldir. If you don't specify this option, the files are placed in your current working directory.
Don't use QPG (package generation) files.
-h qpp_file
Generate a patch from the given Packager Patch File, which describes previously released packages. If you specify this file, and the same product has been previously released, only a patch is generated from that release to the current build of the package.
Don't automatically increment the release number when building.
-j number
"Jenerate" (hey, we ran out of letters) a sample file, as indicated by the number:
Build only QPK and QPM files without creating a QPR.
Create a legacy package that's compatible with the initial version of packager.
-l patch
Link the given patch with a released package in the qpp_file. The patch argument is the QPK or QPR file for a previously created patch. Specifying a patch here causes it to become a fully released package.
-m manifest
Use the existing QPK, QPM, or QPR file specified by manifest to get the default values. This option is useful if you're creating more than one package with similar information. You can also specify the -u option.
Merge all packages to be components of one another.
Don't change the ownership of files.
Export all processors into one package only.
Create patches as regular packages over previous.
Make or update the current directory as a repository.
Show additional information while creating packages.
-s sortdir
Sort files into the sortdir and leave them there when finished. If this directory exists, its contents are destroyed when the package is created. If it doesn't exist, it's created.
Remove any temporary directories previously left behind.
Terminate union entries at the root level only.
Unattended operation -- don't prompt the operator. You can use this option only if you're using the -m option.
Specify the verbosity: 0=normal, 1=advanced, 2=expert, 3=silent.
Generate a repository.qrm for the repository in finaldir.
Extract data from manifest to generate a QPG file.
QPG options override any command-line options.
-z package
Unzip the specified QPK or QPR file back into the basedir directory structure. If you specify a QPR file, all QPKs within it are unzipped. To merge multiple QPK files, enter only the first part of their filenames; packager unzips all QPK files that start that way (e.g. packager -z myapp-2.2- newdir).
A directory that represents your final installation structure. It must contain all files that are to be installed on the target system, and all the symbolic links that are to be used. Under basedir, you should put directories such as etc, usr, and opt.

If you don't specify basedir, files are determined by package.qpg.

The name of a QPG file to use instead of package.qpg, if available. You can specify this argument instead of basedir.


This utility creates a set of QPR packages, for use with the QNX Software Installers, qnxinstall and cl-installer. The packager utility prompts you for information about the package.

If you specify an existing QPM file with the -m option, packager uses the information from the file as the default answers to its questions. If you also specify the -u option, packager uses the default answers to the questions without prompting you.

The -v option controls the amount of detail in the questions; if you specify a value of 2 (expert), packager displays only the questions without the explanations.

Exit status:

An error occurred.

See also:

cl-installer, pkgctl, qnxinstall

Creating Packages appendix of the Neutrino Programmer's Guide

"Package filesystem" in the Working With Filesystems chapter of the User's Guide

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