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Transform module to rotate a display 90 degrees counter-clockwise


io-graphics -Tdevg-rotate90.so [option[,option ...]] ... &

Runs on:

x86, PPC, MIPS, ARM, SH4




The devg-rotate90.so transform module is used by io-graphics to switch the display between portrait and landscape views.

devg-rotate90.so is loaded by io-graphics using the -T option. For more information on options, see io-graphics.

You need to modify the X and Y resolution passed to io-graphics using the -g option when you use the transform module. For example, to rotate a 640x480 16-bit color display 90 degrees counter-clockwise:

io-graphics -Tdevg-rotate90.so -g480x640x16

Transform modules can be cascaded to flip the display, i.e. rotate 180 degrees:

io-graphics -Tdevg-rotate90.so:devg-rotate90.so

See also:

io-graphics, devg-rotate270.so

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