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Graphics driver for unaccelerated flat frame buffer


io-graphics -dl devg-flat.so [option[,option ...]] ... &

Runs on:

x86, PowerPC, ARM, MIPS, SH


For the io-graphics options that can be used with this driver, see io-graphics. Options specific to this driver:

For a non-PCI device, AAAAAAAA specifies the physical address of the frame buffer aperture. The SSSSSSSS variable specifies the size of the aperture in bytes. The (optional) PPPP variable specifies the stride of the aperture in bytes.
Specifies the PCI Vendor ID and Device ID of the display device to attach to.
Specifies the PCI instance of the device.
For a PCI device, X specifies the device's PCI aperture (0-5) which maps to the frame buffer; the (optional) PPPP variable is the stride of the frame buffer in bytes.


The devg-flat.so driver provides unaccelerated flat support for frame buffers.

You can start the graphics subsystem specifying the physical address of the frame buffer (assumes the display mode is already set):

io-graphics -g640x480x16 -dldevg-flat.so -amem=0xAAAAAAAA,0xSSSSSSSS[,PPPP]

You can start the graphics subsystem specifying the PCI display device to attach to:

io-graphics -g640x480x16 -dldevg-flat.so -d0xVVVV,0xDDDD -IX -amem=X[,PPPP]

See also:

io-graphics, crttrap, devgt-iographics

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